Order a Certified California Birth Certificate Online

There is a $14 agency fee when ordering online

Certificates Delivered
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Certificates Delivered
Certificates Delivered
Certificates Delivered

How Do I Order a Certified Copy of A California Birth Certificate Online?

Fill Out Application

Complete application online using our Text Filler Form

Notarize Online

Notarize the Sworn Statement Online with NotaryLive.com

Receive Certificate

Receive the requested Birth Certificate in the mail

What is a certified copy of a birth certificate?

Certified copies of your birth certificate are official documents issued by the California Department of Public Health and are recognized and accepted by all state and federal agencies. The certified copy of your birth certificate can be used for several identifying purposes, including but not limited to obtaining a passport or state-issued driver’s license/identification card, travel, employment, social security, school, etc.

Why Order a California Birth Certificate Online?

Fast and Convenient

Ordering a certified copy of a vital record has never been this quick and easy! Instead of traveling to your local county recorder or filing through different forms, CaliforniaBirthCertificate.org makes it possible to order a certified copy of your birth certificate online from the comfort of your home or office within minutes.

No More Mistakes

Have you mailed in a birth certificate application, only to wait weeks to find out that there was a mistake on your application? With our state-of-the-art Text Filler Form, you will be guided through our simple step-by-step application process and be made aware of any potential errors before completing the application.

Security and Protection

We take every precaution and step possible to secure and keep your personal information private. We will not share your information. Your information is protected by multiple levels of modern data security technologies.

Competitive Pricing

We offer affordable, transparent pricing, with no hidden fees. Access to government issued vital records should not break the bank and with our quick and easy online portal, our processing fees are minimal compared to the headache of completing the application process offline and on your own.

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